Precautionary Guidelines for the Beginning Model

by Bob Leathers

• This information is for YOU the beginning model.
Over the course of the past 50 years, it has become common knowledge that modeling is fun and exciting.
Well, it is. But it is also a source of heartbreak. Although it is a "profitable" field, it is VERY COSTLY. Hopefully, after you have read this, you will be wiser and end up saving yourself some hard earned dollars.

• First thing, if it sounds too good to be true...It is! Let me explain and then I'll give you examples. Model searches, casting calls, newspaper ads...these are all sources you can look for and possibly have work. Model searches are common on the "net". They are designed to bring in the "masses".
They are also a "source of income" for "agencies". Here is how they work. You, along with 150 other "models", respond to an open call. Sometimes it requires an "application fee". In the following days, you are "selected" by the "agency" and they want to represent you!
But first you need a portfolio. It "must" be shot by them because "their photographer" is the only one their clients are used to.

• GO TO THE BOTTOM and read the "common terms".

• Casting calls are a good source of information and can be very real. Be on time, be polite, be quiet, and keep your ears open.
Normally a casting call's purpose is in looking for a specific "type" of model. If your the only blonde in a line of brunettes, your agent sent you to the wrong place. But, just in case, wait your turn and keep your ears open!!! Many a job was lost by a model, because the girl "behind her in line" got to that interview first!

• Newspaper ads are a common Media. Although it is the best way for a model to get "scammed", it can also lead you to start a successful career. Normally you will set up an appointment, go in for an interview and fill out an application.
If it costs you money to do that? RUN! If you need to "buy" their pictures? Again RUN!


• SCAM 1
Photographer "A" posts a message on modeling board.
"MODELS WANTED FOR TEST" high profile...blah blah blah...
You respond, go and shoot, then you would like to get some prints...?
All of a's now going to cost you $25.00 a print...
OOPS!!!! Boy did you screw up. It's real... he's STILL POSTING.

• SCAM 2
"Agency A" runs an add...looking for ALL TYPES of models. They tell you that you need pictures?
"We put your pictures on a CD and mail them to our clients. It's only gonna cost you... BIG $$$$$$$$$
Again RUN!

• SCAM 3 (this is more for the ladies)
High profile "manager" seeking to promote models.
Guarantees you work...AFTER you sleep with him... he's STILL POSTING.

• SCAM 4
Photographer will do your book...
You leave a "small deposit" like 90 other people. He disappears. He moves. He goes out of town....
OOPS!!!! 90 times $50 = $4500.00. You just got scammed.

• SCAM 5
"I have a client" that I can send you's only gonna cost you X amount of $$$.
Fine. You do that and now you are working for this place with an invested cost of how many $$$$...?
Funny you go on a LOT of jobs, but all totaled it's still a LOT less than what you have paid!!!

• Finally, there are too many ways for a model to get screwed. These are some of the most common ones off the top of my head.

• Got a question???? Did I miss something...? email me: [email protected]


• FIRST...don't be stupid. Nobody likes half a story. IF you use common sense you can succeed.
Put all your information in 1 (one) posting. Height, weight, age, eye color, hair color, what your goals are, where you are located.
ALL THOSE THINGS ARE IMPORTANT....I hate like heck asking a model several times where she is located because it isn't on her Web Page.

ALWAYS put your name at the bottom of an email, unless you like being called "HEY YOU".

• SECOND...Be polite. -
It costs nothing. It shows that you have respect for others which means you have RESPECT FOR YOURSELF!!!
Currently there are about 15 models I won't work with because of their "manners". None of us were raised in a stable, therefore to treat someone like an "animal" is poor judgement.

• THIRD.....Promote yourself.
There are so many ways to do this. Geocities and other frre homepage sites offer free space to users. You can set up your site on any of those places FREE. All you need is to supply the pictures and a little html. Or register your own domain and have it hosted for only about 20 bucks a month.

• FOURTH....Be smart.
DO NOT quit your DAY JOB. It pays your bills and will also pay for many of the things you will be involved with in the future.

• FIFTH....Not every model is good for every job.
If someone is looking for a blonde, don't dye your hair to fit. Be happy with who and what you are.

• PATIENCE is a virtue. AGE is a determining factor also. I don't deal with "minors". In many cases, the parents are not supportive.
In cases where they were, Mom or Dad MUST go with you to EVERYTHING. You cannot use a guardian, big brother, sister or cousin.
ANY contract signed, in New York State, MUST be signed by someone OVER the age of 18.

• Got a question???? Did I miss something???? email me.....[email protected]


• TEST SHOOTS: This is done either for the photographer or model. IT NORMALLY costs NOTHING except TIME.
IF the photographer gets in some new equipment that he wants to experiment with, he'll grab a local model and "play".
IN MANY CASES those pictures will be offered to the model also. DO NOT expect them to be free..
A nominal charge for enlargements IS EXPECTED...

• PORTFOLIO or BOOK: This is what YOU use to show off YOUR BEST pictures and LOOKS to agencies. IT IS EXPERIENCE that sells.
These PRINTS or TEARSHEETS (printed in magazines, could be covers or ads) are things that YOU GOT PAID FOR! YOU CANNOT BUY EXPERIENCE..THEREFORE YOU CAN NOT BUY A PORTFOLIO OR BOOK.
THIS is a COMMON MISTAKE that EVERYONE MAKES....IF you want to CREATE A PORTFOLIO, then offer YOUR services to photographers that have DONE a variety of work.
NOT EVERY photographer is willing to take on a "newbie". IN MOST cases, they ARE more trouble than they are worth.

• TFP/Trade for prints: Sometimes the best way for a model to get prints for her book. This situation usually benefits the model and the photographer.
MANY photographers that do this, have very little it is best that YOU keep on top of them to get your prints as promised.

Thanks and good luck.

Bob Leathers.

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